Schedule an Appointment: (317) 516-5000

Laser Services

Our laser treatments are used to minimize or eliminate sun spots, facial blood vessels, and tattoos. Lasers are also used for hair removal and destroying warts.

We recommend a physician consult first to assess if your concern will respond to a laser treatment as most laser services are considered cosmetic with payment due at the time of service. Depending on the treatment, downtime can be 2 to 14 days.

Our laser services are available the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month.

Lasers Available:

  • Hair Removal
YAG (Med Light) Laser
  • Sun Spots
  • Black, brown and blue tattoos
Cuteral Excel V
  • Photodamage
  • Blood Vessels
  • Warts
  • Green, purple, red and other colored tattoos

Other laser services that are available every day: