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Dermal Fillers & Injections

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers can restore the youthfulness to your face by softening facial lines, plumping thin lips, or enhancing shallow contours. Fillers are not permanent but can be repeated to maintain a more youthful appearance. Your experienced physician will select the best filler product for the look you both agree to.

Anti-Wrinkle Injections

Botox and Xeomin cause decreased movement of facial expression muscles that cause wrinkles with animation of the face. Areas of concern are typically Crow’s Feet around the eyes, vertical lines between the brows, and forehead wrinkles.

Botox and Xeomin are not permanent and must be re-injected about every 3-6 months to keep future wrinkles from forming or existing wrinkles from deepening.


Kybella is the first available non-surgical treatment for submental fat, or double chin. Several injections may be required over a period of months, and good skin elasticity must be present for maximum results.

During a consultation, your physician will tell you if you are a good candidate for Kybella. Fat under the chin is destroyed permanently, however, marked weight gain can result in recurrence.

More information about acne and specific treatments can be found at the following link.